Thursday 9 September 2021

Lofty Places!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Thunder and Lightning last night, a dose of rain as well!

Well, we didn't expect that but there might be some more tonight according to the weather man!

There was no one down on the sea front today, all the mini Two Legs have all gone back to school and the old Two Legs are having a rest from looking after the mini-TL’s!

Old Two Legs has been emptying the big car of all the stuff that is kept there for emergencies, like, First aid kit, tow ropes and tyre pump!

There was the electric drill for jacking up the caravan and some engine oil plus screen wash!

The two bags and other bits went up in the loft but before they could go up, I had to go up!

I love going up there and sniffing around the back of all the stuff. 

OTL put all the bags up and turned off the lights and locked the loft.

Yes, you are ahead of me already!

About half an hour later he needed to put the last bit in the loft and as he was storing it behind the boxes, he heard a whimper. It was me, still behind all the boxes and in the dark!

That was it, I stuck my nose around the boxes and saw there was room for me to squeeze along the ally way and down to OTL!

OTL says it was an adventure but to be honest, I wouldn't fancy being up there any longer!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.