Thursday 7 April 2022

Wind, Rain All Night!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy Dog here again!

Well now, last night started off all warm and comfortable but not long after midnight it started. The rain started hammering against the bedroom window aided and abated by the wind that was trying to blow the rain up and under the roof tiles!

You know it even woke Old Two Legs up and that is almost impossible in normal times!

It carried on almost all night and it was only just as it was getting light that the rain stopped.

The wind carried on until mid-afternoon. 

So, walking in such terrible conditions was just not on. OTL left the camera in the car and when he got out of the car, he nearly got blown across the football field!

Both morning and afternoon was the same and he had to walk with the hood on his big coat pulled right up over his head!

We were lucky that there were no trees blown down, just a few hedges strewn across the road but we managed to drive around them!

So, that's it for today, OTL is off working after my morning walk, so I will have to get him up early and claws crossed, out of the house in plenty of time!

Bye for now.


Daisy Dog!