Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret back again!
Now I bet you didn't know that there are loads of animal that are all related to each other?
For instance, Old Two Legs is related to the Chimpanzee and the Orangutan and if you don't believe me, you should see him first thing in the morning!
Us woofers are related to Wolves and Dingo's and OTL says that if we were left to get on with it, us woofers would end up looking like a Border Terrier!
Now, did you know that the ferret is related to the Otter?
Is it cold in there? |
Come here you squeaky whatsit! |
Eric has got a thing about squeaky Balls! |
Maybe if I blow it down there I can rush around and grab it! |
This hill gets steeper every time I walk up it! |
I wonder if I am related to the Otter? Well, they had Otter Hounds didn't they?
These wave are getting a bit rough! |
Just think of all the fish that have wee'd and pooed in that water! |
See you all tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.