Friday, 17 January 2014

Who's a Pretty Puppy?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Snowflake and Mr Brambles here again!

What a run around day we had. First thing this morning we rolled over and went back to sleep again!

Well, after such a busy day we deserved an extra half an hour in bed!

Old Two Legs got up at the normal time and spent half an hour thrashing around the office on the Mary Celeste!

Not a pretty sight!

We left the ferrets in bed and went off for a walk, OTL said it would be too wet for the ferrets but it was OK for us 'cos we were going straight down the parlour after our walk!

We started our walk and very soon it was obvious that we were about to get soaked!

Dark clouds and spots of rain, yep, it's going to be a wet one!

Here come the rain!
Just before it started to pour down we were treated to a vertical rainbow that turned into a 'Y' shaped rainbow!
There's the Rainbow and here comes the rain!
 We got back to the car and we were all soaked, including OTL!

Am I too wet for the parlour?
 Later when OTL picked us up, we were straight down to the Sea Wall again but this time OTL kept us off the muddy bits and we both managed to get home without tons of mud on our paws!

Holly looking Super Good!
 OTL insisted on taking our photo, so we kept turning our heads away every time he pressed the shutter release!

Me, Looking The Business!
Back home we were presented with a bowl of chicken, so not a too bad a day after all!

I've been watching the ferrets having a game in OTL's office and I managed to get up on the work top while they were running around on the floor. I felt quite safe, until Snowflake started to climb up the side of the cage!


See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Snowflake and Mr Brambles

OTL's Birthday

Hi Woofers!

Sorry we missed yesterdays blog but we were out all day celebrating OTL's birthday!

Snowflake and Mr Brambles decided to stay at home and act as guards while Holly and I acted as 'Close Protection Guards' and made sure OTL didn't get into trouble!

We went down to see Alun & Glynis and spent a very enjoyable day listening to them telling old war stories!

we were left on our own while they went out for a meal but when they came back, The Missus had a 'Doggy Bag' with her which had some sirloin steak and some fillet steak inside!

Wow! We were 'Nose Down, Tail Up' until that lot had gone!

OTL says that the restaurant must have put some extra in the bag 'cos there wasn't that amount left on their plates!

We didn't get home until late and as soon as we got in we all fell into bed and were asleep in no time!

We are off to the 'Parlour' this morning so we'll be back later today with more tales!

See you soon!


Daisy, Holly, Snowflake and Mr Brambles