Tuesday, 27 June 2017

We are Home!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

We are Home!!!

Yes, we got back late yesterday afternoon and there was loads and loads of stuff to unload before we were allowed to go to bed!

Old Two Legs got us all home without any problems and we even managed to mug him for some of his 'Cheese Burger & Chips' we got in a road side cafe on the A1!

We had to go down the A1 'cos it was the shortest road home after we left Izzy's village early yesterday.

This morning we were all busting to get down to our beach and catch up on the sniffs we have been missing these last two weeks!

It's a 'Sniff Overload'!
 The ferrets were into 'Sniff Overload' before they even got to the beach! Holly and I took it all in our stride 'cos we have been been here before!

I was checking up and down the beach while Holly Dog sat on the sand looking at the sea!

It may not be a Scotland Beach but it's our beach!
 While we were on the beach Wendy and Freddy got interested in a plastic pot that some Two Legs had left there from their picnic on Sunday!

Freddy had a sniff and decided he would leave it and carry on down the beach. Miss Wendy decided to investigate it in more detail. The only problem was, she got her head stuck inside it!

She waved it from left to right and then gave it a good shaking before it finally came off!

Hey! It's stuck over my ears!
OTL has been working on a pile of post and stuff today trying to catch up on the stuff that came in over the holiday!

Poor lad, he will be working over the next few days to get it all sorted.

We are off to do some mugging 'cos dinner has been served, so bye bye for now.


Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.