Friday 2 December 2022

It's arrived!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

I had some fun this morning, I woke The Missus up around three thirty, (her normal getting up time), then I woke her up again around five, her normal 'O Gawd I'm Late time'

All this waking up stuff woke Old Two Legs up and the result was OTL and I were out walking in the dark at six!

By the time we had finished our walk it was still dark! No photos! 

The morning was spent messing about with bits of paper and looking out for the post man to see if he has the Internetty Box!

He hasn't!

Lunchtime walk was a little boring, you see the wind had got up and walking along the sea wall means the wind was blowing in from the North Sea, righ up my tail!

Late afternoon the Postman called again and he had the Internetty Box, so OTL has been messing about getting all the computers talking to eachother and talking to the world via the Googles!

TM has just started to look through all her messages and stuff!

We will be back on air tomorrow, complete with photos, providing it's not raining!

Bye for now.

