Monday 5 June 2023

Hello Devo!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

A very good start to Monday, we met up with Devo!

It was great to see him again after almost a week!

We had a great time investigating the overnight sniffs and left a few for anyone who is coming on behind us!

My mate Devo!

Back home we opened up the moth trap and found two new moths.

Heart & Dart..........common as muck!

 A Common Wainscot, another common as muck moth!

OTL spent the morning fiddling with the camera bits and although he could get the size and colour right, he had trouble with the flash exposure.

In the end he gave up and went back into his 'Thinking Mode' which can also be described as 'Back to the Drawing Board'!

If all else fails, photograph a Holly Blue as it's not so common as the moths we have seen!

The wind got up and at high tide it was whipping the waves up only to send them crashing onto the shore.

Wet and Windy!

The weather should pick up as the week progresses so cross claws, I might be able to get some sun bathing in before the week is out!

Bye for now,

