Hi Woofers!
Daisy here.
I sometimes think that OTL is growing more like a woofer every day!
This morning we got out of the car and instead of walking the normal way around the walk, we sort of walked in reverse. No, I was all ready to go the normal way when OTL insisted we go the way he wanted to go and it was a good job 'cos half way down the pat we met up with Devo the Husky enjoying a sniff on the weeds beside the path!
We got onto the meadow and were unimpressed with the sunrise, all grey and dismal!
Just a small sun beam, hardly worth mentioning!
It was the same at lunchtime, the sky was still grey but there was no rain, so that was good.
Reminds me of that song, 'I saw Three Ships a Sailing'!
They were all heading the same way, out to sea.
No sign of any woofers on the way around, even though it was a little early.
It was interesting looking at all the buds bursting and the leaves unwinding. We also saw that there were a couple of patches where the groundsman had left the weedy bits un mown so that there is some vegetation for the insects to feed.
OTL has been moaning to the groundsman to do this so the wild life can benefit. With a bit of luck, the insects will come back and the whole cycle of life can begin again!
Spring is busting out all over!
OTL has just left to visit the vets to get my worming tablet, that will sort me out for another six months or so!
See you all tomorrow.