Wednesday 18 May 2022

Well, that sorts the garden out for a week or two!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

We were a little late in getting up this morning, mainly cos The Missus had been tossing and turning all night long and on top of that she even kicked me out of bed three times!

One advantage of this is she was up early getting the woofers plants installed in the pots!

The only problem is, these plants will die off come September!

We left her playing around with the plants while Old Two Legs and I headed off to the sea front where we met up with those hooligans who decided to make a fuss of OTL and leave me alone!

Back home TM had finished with the planting and was busy washing the soil off her hands and garden gloves.

We spotted a froggy swimming amongst the lily pad leaves and when he saw us move, he stopped still and refused to move!

I went into 'Stalk Mode' expecting the froggy to swim off but I fell asleep and when I woke, he'd gone!

Lunchtime was fun, the tide was on its way in and I took the opportunity to have a little swim!

This is one of those days when summer really kicks in!

I hope tomorrow is sunny, just like today!

Bye for now.

