Thursday 26 August 2021

Any one for Dook Oil?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a funny day today, a little bit on the computer, pay some bills and then Old Two Legs decided he needed to go out.

With the ferrets back in bed OTL headed towards the car. I wasn't going to let him out on his own!

As soon the car door was opened, I shot out and planted my paws on the back seat and refused to get out!

Well, that was it, I was going out with OTL and the first stop was the mobile phone shop to change his Sim card, whatever a Sim card is!

Next, we headed off to a vehicle body repairer. You see, he got a bit too close to the caravan and scratched the bumper. So, before he sells the car, he says that to repair it would be a good investment 'cos he might get a few more pennies!

Of course, the extra pennies will go towards the new car whenever he gets it!

We went down the sea front and enjoyed a long walk and I even managed a roll in the beach sand where the best sniffs!

Back home Eric was awake and waiting for us. He said he wanted to come out with me but as I had already gone, he decided to investigate what food there was around!

It was lucky that OTL left out the Dook Oil which both Eric and Wendy have taken to with relish!

First all the dripping bits then take the top off and guzzle it down!

I have had a lick myself but it doesn't taste that good, OK, it is pleasant but I wouldn't go as potty about it as Eric does!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.