Tuesday, 5 April 2011

A New Adventure!

Hello All!

D&H back again with some more fun and games.

After Mothers Day we had a late morning, we got up for a wee and a woof then went back to bed for our 'after getting up' snooze, we then over slept and had an extra half hour in bed!

Come on, having a lie in on a Monday morning, that is luxury!

Sun shiny morning was spent helping The Missus clear out the shed. There were loads of stuff from the caravan and they all brought back good memories of holidays and stuff.

There were also the spiders who live in the shed, big hairy ones with hob nail boots on!

Old Two Legs and TM took us out to the New Park where we met several other dogs, including Benny who was trying to teach us to dance!

Dancing Queen
I had a look at the map, while Holly was off having a sniff, but I still couldn't work out where I was!

The Map's Upside Down!
We made friends with a little Two Legs as well, Holly was all big and brave and let her give her a stroke!

Holly's new friend!
Holly said she was OK and did not pull your fur, so I let her stroke me as well!

My Friend as well!
After all this running around we got home a very tired pair of puppies and after diner we spent most of the evening mugging OTL for shortbread and then snoozing.

We hope your day has gone well, ours has!

See you tomorrow,


Daisy & Holly