Wednesday 11 August 2021

Bye Miss Holly.

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another sunny day here in North Kent. It's been a bit draughty with the wind blowing but the temperature is up around the 21 C!

This morning The Missus took me out and instead of going over the golf course or around the corn field we headed off to the sea wall.

I met up with some woofers I know and remembered back to when Holly and I used to run with them chasing sniffs!

There are times when I hear a woof and just for a moment, I think it sounds like Holly but of course it isn't.

I am jumping up on Old Two Legs lap when he is working on the computer and I enjoy a cuddle and that makes me feel better!

This morning I spent nearly an hour on his lap listening to him complain that he can't do his accounts with me wriggling around!

So, what's wrong with a wriggle?

Lunchtime we were back in the car and off to the sea wall again and today we left my harness in the car, just in case the tide was in, it wasn't!

OK, who knicked all the water?

We headed off back to the car park when OTL saw a butterfly he had not seen before, not that it was rare it was just he hadn't seen one before. It's called a Wood Tiger Butterfly!

Wood Tiger Butterfly wot don't growl!

Back home, after a spot of lunch, OTL was in the garden preparing the urn for Miss Holly Chops!

All of the ferrets that have passed away are resting in there, so, Holly won't be lonely as she rests in her bamboo pillow.

The Missus put Holly into the hole OTL had prepared and then we covered her with some good earth.

That was followed by some pebbles to cover the earth and finally three big rocks.

Earlier we have a quick visit by Tracy who left a card and a bottle of champagne so we can toast the going of Miss Holly in the best manner.

I know that there are times when OTL has been down to the urn to chat with the ferrets and now there is Holly to say hello to. 

Of course, I will still be having a late night wee on the pebbles by the urn, as I do every night before going to bed!

Now I'll be saying Good Night to Holly as well.

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.