Tuesday 6 September 2022

Missed it!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here again.

Last night Old Two Legs enjoyed a Star Wars DVD and a healthy slurp of Scotland’s finest malt.

A combination of those ended up with a night of snoring and him dozing off half way through the DVD!

That's the trouble with OTL, he does fall asleep at the crucial moment!

All that means he got up a half an hour too late this morning and that also means we missed the sunrise. 

It was back to the old shots!

 The sun has got up and is racing across the sky towards sunset!

This enabled me to go for a paddle in the sea, mind you, it was just my paws 'cos the waves were rather big!


Of course, OTL was jumping up and down but we don't take any notice of him!

Nah! Sorry I can't hear you very well!

Lunchtime we were down the sea wall again and this time the tide was out, so, no chance of a paddle!

One thing we did see was a Thames Barge drifting in the current and getting nowhere quickly!

One woofer we did see was Duke. Now Duke is one of those woofers that has a fixation about balls.

If you can get the ball from him you have to throw in a little way. Then he will rush over, pick the ball up and spit it at you!

This game can go on for hours and you will become Duke's best friend!

Go on, throw it, throw it, throw it!

Back home again and while OTL is playing about with bits of paper, I have a snooze under the desk!

See you tomorrow.

P.S. Archie, no fighting with the Two Legs, they know how to work a can opener!

