Hi woofers!
Daisy back again. Guess what?
It has been raining!
It's been raining for most of the day both OTL and I got a soaking!
The puddle that OTL uses to wash the mud off his wellies has received a fresh refilling of clean water!
Well, now he has enough fresh water for at least for the next two weeks.
This is not the Wellie Puddle!
It is noticeable that the trees are sprouting their leaves and the forest has now taken on a green hue.
Where the tree has yet to sprout leaves, the trunk and branches had a good covering of moss or a green fungus!
Just look at the green!
One funny thing arrived here this afternoon, well, I think it's funny.
Now, TM is always a sucker for a new coffee mug and today the postman arrived with a big box containing a mug.
We could hear TM laughing her tail off as she was opening the box.
It was a prezzy from Archie Babe and it had a picture of OTL and TM on the side.
The only problem is, which one is which!
All I've got to do is to get a water bowl with a picture of OTL and TM on the side!