Thursday 13 August 2020

Muggy but no sign of rain!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

My oh my, what a day! I mean, there is the weatherman waving his paws all over the map on the wall saying that there is loads of rain and thunder and lightening and what do we get, hot sun!

You know, driving back from the beach it was up to twenty eight degrees, higher than anywhere else in the UK today!

Miss Wendy came out for the morning walk 'cos it wasn't so hot but lunchtime Eric collapsed onto his bed, the one with the frozen block and spent the afternoon gently snoring his tail off!

Down on the beach Holly was trying to get rid of an itch!

I jus' love a Rock 'n' Roll on the sea shells!

Meanwhile, I was trying to find a nice damp patch in which to have a roll and spread a little mud over my back!

There has got be a squishy bit somewhere!

Old Two Legs was wandering about looking for Common Lizards but all he got was a butterfly!

Well, it's not exactly The Hairy Butt Lizard but it will have to do!

Now, you know how much Holly and I just love to chase rabbits and cats. The only problem is, we haven't see a rabbit for ages and cats are becoming rare as well. So, when OTL does our secret sign for a cat, we just don't bother , thinking he is trying to wind us up.

It wasn't until he showed us the photo that we belived him!

A Cat, just ripe for chasing, and we missed it!

So, that's it for today, hot, muggy and no rain, maybe tomorrow or even rain over night!

Bye bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.