Sunday 23 August 2020

Lazy, Lazy Day!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it's been another of those super lazy Sunday's. In the early hours of the morning Old Two Legs jumped up in bed and bouncedacross the bed kicking Holly and I out of bed and elbowing The Missus in the ear.

He was having a bad dream about an Australian Brown Snake jumping out of a swimming pool and trying to bite him!

OTL does have some really weird dreams sometimes but normally hejumps or falls out of bed on his own side and does some injury to himself! 

We were a little late getting up 'cos we had to check under the bed for snakes!

Eric came out with us for the morning walk while Wendy stayed in bed snoozing her tail off!

Lunchtime it was just Holly and I plus OTL down on the sea front and for a change the weather was rather mild.

Two Trees but the Poo Bin is missing!

I didn't get to go for a swim but I managed to woof at a dopy dog who I thought was short but ended up being tall and scarry, I had to rush of around the paths just to get away from him!

 That was a close shave, that woofer turned out to be much bigger than me!

 By the time we got home The Missus had managed to get her video working and up loaded it to YooToob and there were no SlooooooMowwwwww bits!

So, now we have a happy TM

I'm off for a snooze now while OTL cleans up his desk and makes it all shiny!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.