Tuesday, 3 May 2016

It's a 'Sore Paw Day'

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret, back to see you again!

This morning Aprils paw was inspected by Old Two Legs and while he can judge the size of the pad, he can't see what the cause is. All we know is that the pad is swollen and is the same size as last night. So, no improvement there!

While we were out on the beach, OTL made a call to the vet for an appointment for April and managed to get one for 10;30hr today. That means we couldn't stay as long on the beach as normal. We did however, meet the lads, Poppy, Beau, Bryn, Max and Oscar!

So many woofers on the beach and they all wanted to say 'Hello' to the ferrets!

All the ferrets wanted was a wee!

It wasn't long before we had the beach to ourselves and we all enjoyed a game of 'Bulldozers' in the sand and even Holly got into the game as well!

Back home we had time to let OTL clean the cages out and for the ferrets to have a 'Rampage' around the house!

Little April fell asleep under the furniture and OTL had to move it away from the wall before he could extract April from underneath!

Pretty soon it was time for April to visit the vet and May decided she would come along as well to keep April company and hold her paw if she got worried!

The vet had a look, poked around and decided that it was an infection that was causing the problem, so she decided that what was needed was a gallon or two of Anti-Biotic  stuff to add to the other medication she is taking!

OTL was heart broken as he handed his wallet over to the lady who works the till!

He was sobbing all the way home and both May and April had to give him a lick and a cuddle, just to help him get over the shock of it all!

What was worse, OTL has managed to break the memory card in the camera, so bang goes the photos for today!

Just as he was getting over it all, one of his customers rang up with an URGENT PROBLEM!

So, that was it, off went OTL and we got walked at lunchtime by The Missus!

We are still waiting for him to come home, you see, he has steak and chips tonight and our poor stomach walls are banging together and the noise is terrible!

We need OTL home, NOW!

We will let you know how it goes!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.