Thursday 15 July 2021

Eric's run out.

Hello Woofers,

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a day today, Old Two Legs has been all industrious and busy plonking on the computer and shipping stuff to the EU. 

Eric is off to the vet for his operation tomorrow morning so he decided to have a run today at lunchtime.

Of course, every time OTL went to take a picture Eric he had to get down on his knees and Eric took that as a sign OTL would pick Eric up.

That's why Eric looks all out of focus. OTL should have set the camera up as 'Speed Priority'!

He will learn one day! 

  Come on, wait for me!

 Down on the beach I had a great time digging holes and while Eric wasn't too excited digging in the wet sand, he was impressed with my sand holes!




 Sorry, not enough sand, too many rocks for hole digging!

 Going through the forest, Eric kept stopping to sniff the air and tell us of the Weasels who had passed that way today.

Mind you, we haven't seen a weasel for years!


 .....and another one went over there this morning!

Once back home he spent the afternoon snoring his tail off leaving us to keep OTL company in the office.

Its hard work being a guard dog!

Claws crossed for Eric tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!