Wednesday, 15 March 2017

OTL gets a Selfie done!

Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret!

Wot a super day it's been. Sunshine almost all day long and Old Two Legs managed to get most of his work done in between our walks along the Sea Wall!

Being so warm, the sand really dried out on the beach and of course, Holly Chops just had to do her famous 'Nose Dive' into the sand. Her face was covered with sand and so was her nose! 

Both Freddy and Miss Wendy joined in the game and set about re arranging the sand, ferret fashion! Then once that was done the next was to pick up on the 'Ferret Track' and head back to the car for a cooling drink of water!

Come on Missy, shift yer tail!
OTL pointed out the bushes that yesterday had tight little buds but this morning there was bloom!

OK, so we always have flowers buy just look at our colours!
 The Hawthorn had burst into bloom and most of the flowers were now open!

Now, this is what Spring is all about!
 Lunchtime OTL gave up on trying to keep me out of the water and took my harness off. You know, even Holly got her paws wet and that is a first this year!

Come On! Throw a Woofin' Stick!
 Miss May was showing off, she quickly piled up some sand and made a Sandcastle and finished it off by making a roof of stone!

I should have been called 'Bob The Builder'!
As we came off the beach a couple of Two Legs walked up, all amazed to see ferrets out for a walk.

OTL went into 'Story Mode' about how wonderful ferrets are, especially May and Eric who he was cuddling!

Can we take a picture? Of course you can, of the ferrets, not us!

Blooming ferrets are getting all the attention nowadays!

Then, seeing the TL had a decent camera, OTL thinks it may have been a Leica, he asked if he would take a picture of OTL and the ferrets!

So, here we are, OTL has his 'Selfie'!

Normally we never see OTL in the pictures 'cos he is always behind the camera but today, he gets to be famous!
OTL's Selfie!
It's a pity that Archie Babe doesn't live a little closer to us 'cos every time he has to have a Shampoo & Set, he could go splashing about in the water here and get real sniffy again, just like us!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.