Monday, 25 November 2019

A Miserable Monday, Official!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, we have, for some time, not heard a squeak out of Wendy or Eric. They have been cuddling up together in the beds and curling up into what is called a Ferret Doughnut!

We reckon that they will be OK for travelling together in the travel cages when we go out down the Sea Wall or even when we go on holiday!

Would that could be said for Holly and I.

We had an argument the other day over a teeth cleaning chew that was on my bed and Holly reckons that it was hers and I had nicked it!

As if!

Well, we had a bit of a shouting match and Old Two Legs had to drag us apart by the scruff of our necks and then he told us off rotten!

No one got the chew cos OTL threw it in the bin!

Ever since then we have been good little girls!

Today has been a right rotten day, we even had the Two Legs on Radio 4 say that today was a 'Miserable Monday' so, there you have it, official and from the BBC!

We got a Two Legs in to do some re engineering of the kitchen which is making The Missus all pleased but because the TL is sloshing paint about both Holly and I plus the ferrets are banned from the kitchen 'cos we #'Can't be Trusted'!

Us? Trusted?

I can understand it about the ferrets being untrustworthy, I mean, they do it just for fun but Holly and I!

We stood on the Sea Wall and waved at Southend but didn't see Auntie Sue or Mike, maybe they have gone inland for a rampage!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.