Tuesday 22 September 2020

Rabbit Hunting.

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, today this iPloddicus thingy refused to log onto the wi-fi on the camp site and refused to talk to any one!

Still, not to worry, ‘cos Holly and I played a game on Old Two Legs. There he was all laid back and snoozy and half way through a snore we jumped onto him and gave his ears a good licking!

That is our way of saying we wanted to go out for a walk on the sands. However, as soon as we got out we caught the unmistakable sniff of rabbits close by. Well, Holly and I haven’t sniffed a rabbit for a month or so and to get a sniff today was a treat and a half!

So, we both plunged into the undergrowth while OTL carried on walking down onto the beach where he stopped, turned around to see where we were.

No Holly and Daisy!

So, back he comes to find out where we had gone only to find us, nose down in the bracken! He told us to ‘keep up’ and marched us down to the beach where we raced on to the next path that leads up to the bracken and we were then found, again, nose down in the bracken again!

We got shushed back to the beach where we got instructed on which direction we should proceed, like down the beach.

That was it, we turned around and headed back to the caravan, well, it had started to rain and no one wanted to get wet, least of all us!

It has been windy, wet and cloudy all day today and as we said, the wi-fi has been intermittent so today it has been all snoozy. Mind. You, the ferrets got a walk along the beach and Eric managed to get two runs before the rain came down again.

Tomorrow OTL said he may take a drive along the coast road, just to see what’s new and we may even stop to take some photos of us on the beaches, providing of course there are not too many Two Legs making sand castles!

OTL has an idea that he may be able to download some photos onto the iPloddicus via the charging lead but he will try that after we manage to upload today’s blog!

OK wish him luck and we’ll see you tomorrow, providing he hasn’t blown up the iPloddicus!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret