Hello Woofers!
It's Daisy here.
It's been a funny old day. First of all, we were out of bed around six thirty, well, how could anyone sleep with The Missus flying around on her electric broom!
Old Two Legs reckons she does it on purpose, just to get him up and out of the house so she can have her breakfast in peace and quiet!
It was a real pea souper this morning, you know, fog lamps back and front!
Two Trees but no Poo Bin or Bench!
Even one tree looks interesting! We tried looking out to sea but there was nothing to see so we carried on walking all the way around seeing no more than a few yards in front of us!
The lunchtime walk was better, loads of blue sky and not much else!
Three Trees?
Just for fun we took another route back through the forest and on top of a big pile of concrete there was a terrific sniff but I couldn't roll in it 'cos there was a big metal post sticking up!