Thursday 21 October 2021

Captain Ferret!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a chilly day today, first thing this morning The Missus took me out but because she gets up so early, it was still dark and I don't like it when I can't see what there is around me!

I have a cure for that, I go rushing over to where the street lamp is shining and have a wee, trouble is, where I have a wee just happens to be a front garden!

I prefer it when I go out at lunchtime, at least I can see where I'm going!

Overnight the tide threw up a large lump of wood which proved to be very interesting to Eric.

He climbed all over it, inspecting every crevasse.

A funny sniff here!

Eric took a bite but it wasn't very nice, you can tell be the look on his face!

Eric reckons he could make a sailing ship from the timber. I remember Holly saying that as well but Old Two Legs wouldn't hang around long enough to allow them to build it!

Just a little while, I mean, its half built anyway!

Going down the other end you can see what he means but that is the wood rotting rather than the timber being fashioned into a sailing ship!

Look, this is where we could stick the mast!

Being windy and a bit colder than normal, we didn't hang about and Eric even dived into OTLs coat pocket rather than the ferret bag!

Well, it was warmer in there!

I wonder if the timber will still be there tomorrow?

Bye for now.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.