Friday, 1 September 2017

Autumn is here!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

It has been all warm and sunny today, not a sign of the wet stuff at all!

Miss May is getting more woofer like every day, just look at her having a roll on the beach, I mean, is that a woofer roll or wot?

Oh! This is Grrrrreat!
 Being a Friday, the Beach Cafe was open and of course, there were loads of tourists as well. Loads of new woofers and new sniffs!

Old Two Legs has to be careful when there are strange woofers about 'cos you never know when they might creep up behind you!

That being so, OTL spend more time picking up the ferrets than taking photos of us all on the beach!

We keep seeing the sea birds floating in on the tide, all looking for some mud to dig into!

They can almost feel the mud with their feet!
By the time midday arrived it was super sunny and Fred and Wendy had decided that a cuddle in OTL's arms was preferable to jogging in the sun shine!

Miss Wendy kept on changing her mind, first it was 'Let me down, I want a run', then it was 'Pick my up my paws are on fire!' followed by 'Put me down, I need a breath of fresh air!'

You just can't win with her!

Tomorrow OTL has promised Holly and I a bath and a hair cut 'cos we are getting close to our next holiday and we have got to look our best when we go!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.