Saturday, 8 January 2022

Saturday, Soggy Day?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

What a terrible day it's been. I mean, out early to catch the sunrise, no sunrise and instead we get rained on!

All morning spent trying to get dry but we were still damp come lunchtime as we headed off to the sea wall.

We walked across the football field and just as we got to the other side, it started to rain again!

There were no woofers in sight, just a couple of Two Legs in the distance getting as wet as us!

By the time we got back to the car we were soaked, I mean, dripping wet and soaked!

A telephone call to The Missus to get prepared with a couple of towels to dry me off and a very wet flannel to wash my butt and clean me up!

Well, that was it really, the rest of the day was spent tucked up in a warm blanket getting dry and warm!

With a bit of luck tomorrow should be better, loads of sunshine, warm balmy breezes and a sunrise to set the world alight!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.