Wednesday 17 August 2022

Waiting for the rain!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Last night I was on guard duty, around three thirty, doing the rounds, when I saw a fox in the back garden!

That was it, the first thing I had to do was to warn Old Two Legs and The Missus that we had robbers in the garden hunting frogs around the pond!

Now, they are our frogs and no fox is going to have a midnight feast on our froggies!

TM answered the call and let me out into the garden and then it was up to me to chase that interloper back and over the fence!

My brave work did mean that we didn't get up until a quarter to seven!

Late again!

By the time we got down to the sea wall, the sun was up and to be honest, the view was as good as poo!

...and I've done poos like this as well!

Even with a bit of interest, using the rocks to act as a bit of interest, it still wasn't exciting!

A bit further along the sea wall we came across a few of the lads who were waiting for Sandy to come back in from chasing the gulls. The only problem is that Sandy was right out across the mud and at times we couldn't see him!

He was having a great time chasing the gulls that I reckon when he finally comes back there will be more mud than Sandy!

Guess who is going to get hosed down?

Back home there was a little work for OTL but after lunch he fell asleep in front of the TV watching the Boulder Climbing. OTL used to do this sort of climbing and at one time he taught climbing but since getting all old and fat, his days of hanging upside down have long since gone!

Now we have been promised all manner of rain and thunder but so far it has yet to happen, maybe later tonight when the froggies come out to play!

See you tomorrow.

