Thursday, 15 December 2016

Breaking News! Santa is coming to our village, early!

Hi Woofers!

The Gang is back, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret!

Hey! We have just found out that on Saturday The Missus and the Allhallows Croppers are holding their Christmas Bash! Well we will be going up there at lunch time to see what we can get in the way of nibbles!

However, we have also found out that they won't be putting away all the tables and chairs 'cos Santa Paws wants the hall for sorting out all the presents that he has to deliver to the village!

Holly and I are making a plan to get up there after nine and get to see Santa Paws and ask him for a present for Old Two Legs 'cos we reckon he has been 'Nice' more than he has been 'Naughty' this year!

The ferrets reckon we should ask for a new Poo Shovel 'cos he has nearly worn out the old one. I think a new harness for Holly and me would be a better idea but we need to be 'Fitted' for a new harness so that will have to wait until we go to the Kent County Show in July next year!

So, what do we get the Two Legs who has everything?

We will have to think on that!

It was all grey down on the beach today, no exciting sun rise, well if it was exciting the clouds hid it from us!

No Sun today, the clouds got in the way!
Miss May decided that to get warmed up she would have a go at some 'Speed Digging' which started off with he jumping onto the pile of sand and shells at the same time she let out the 'Ferret Yell' which is a bit like a 'Rebel Yell' but a shade more squeaky!

Now Holly and I had never heard May doing the yell but I must say, it got our attention!

What the Woofin' Heck was that?
These ferrets can sure scare the locals!

We got home and enjoyed a good snooze in our 'Day Bed' while OTL was plonking away on the computer doing some 'Important' stuff!'

That was until lunchtime when we set off for the beach again. It was still grey and dismal but the tide was right in. I decided to leave it alone and retire to the grass bank 'cos those waves looked just too close!

No! Not for even a paddle!
 OTL put the ferrets down for a run and a dig but it didn't work 'cos as soon as their paws hit the beach they were demanding the Ferret Bag!

No Way! Bring the bag here, now!
 Holly, who was sitting on top of the Sea Wall, looked disdainfully at it and announced that she was 'Going Home'!

I don't do Wet and I don't do Cold! I'm off home, Now!
That was it, she just upped and waddled her butt back to the car!

Back home OTL spent all afternoon on the computer making a 'Quotation' for one of his customers and was still at it when it was time to publish the Blog!

Now, we still haven't decided if he has been 'Naughty or Nice', Decisions, Decisions!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.