Saturday 9 March 2024

OLD Snotty!

Hello Woofers!

I'm back again!

You know everything is up in the air at the moment, another visit to the doctors for OTL and he gets instructions on how to stop his aching spine!

One good thing, no rain even though there was a little wind!

I do enjoy seeing the Hawthorn blossom on the trees and the buds beginning to burst on the other trees.

A close up of the Hawthorn Blossom.

Although we didn't see any woofers, I did enjoy a run along the sea front chasing the gulls off the path.

It's great running along the concrete path and not having my claws scrape on the ground!

Maybe those vets know what they are doing!

We finally got the fence man to call and put the panel back after it had blown across the garden!

The fence is so strong that I reckon the house will blow down first!

 OTL still has a snotty cold and is spending a fortune on pills and nose blowing tissues!

 We are not sure if the cold is getting better or not, when he sneezes the whole house shakes, he could never have a quiet cold!


See you tomorrow.



