Tuesday, 12 May 2020


Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

After yesterday’s high wind and freezing temperatures what do we get today?

Yep! Breezes and Sunshine!

It has made a nice change!

We had our walk around the football field first thing this morning and had to listen to a couple of Cuckoo's having a singing contest. Well, actually it was a couple of males chasing each other over the trees trying to scare each other off and attract a female at the same time!

You know, there is something about the Cuckoo's call that gets right up my tail and I just have to let off a few woofs!

Lunchtime was better, we headed off to the beach with the possibility of a deep paddle and a roll in a sniff!

Just look at that and sniff the sniffs!
 I think that Old Two Legs was listening to Holly and I discussing sniffs and paddles 'cos he turned off the path and away from the sea!

He can be right sneaky sometimes!

Drinkies but they've eaten the sandwiches!
 Not so many Two Legs out today but we did see Bob who is a big Staffy that just loves OTL!

Mainly because OTL throws his toy for him to chase!

We saw some buttercups and there was one that took OTL's eye and 'Click', that's another in the bag!

If you stick this under your chin you can see if you like butter!
 See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.