Tuesday 12 April 2022

We bin dunnit again!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Guess what, we did yesterday all over again!

I had great fun sticking my nose out the side window as we were driving through the countryside and I waved at the farmers in the tractors and when we got back onto the motorways stuck my tongue out at all the truckers stuck in traffic on the other side of the motorway!

On top of all that, I got to wee in a new place this afternoon, Ashford!

That was after we had dropped off some stuff Old Two Legs was doing as a ‘Quick Turnaround’ for his customer.

The walk first thing was about the same as yesterday and OTL took these photos of the sunrise!


Looking at these again, I'm not sure if yesterdays is any better than todays!



 Well, this one has the clouds to help mix it all up!

 We got back to Grain around half four and stopped to say hello to the slippery cows!


 I think the colour is getting better, it's just that fly up on the petal that spoils the picture!

 By the time we finished everything both OTL and I were worn out, still we managed to get all the work done and maybe we will get an early night tonight, just so we can catch up with the post that arrived today!

Bye for now.

