Thursday, 22 July 2021

More IR stuff while the sun shines!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here with the IR camera again!

Well, that's it, we couldn't escape the shower and a hair clip today. Mind you, the water was cold in the shower so that kept us cool!

Holly was first but she is shy about a picture, she says it makes her look all wobbly!

I don't care, just as long as the photo is in focus!

Old Two Legs found a Red Darter on a grass leaf which looked rather good!

It wasn't very big but it did sit still while OTL took the photo!

OTL is still amazed to see the sky is browny looking, I mean, there's nothing up there!

This is good, the wind machines over in Sheerness with the grass on the hills looking like snow!

There are several places to have a rest in the shade as we walk around, if not the bench, then it's the shadow from the trees.

OK, that's it for today, we are off to take Eric to the vets to get checked up and see what the x-ray machine has to say for itself!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.