It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric here again!
It's what we call a 'Snoozy Day', like, first thing this morning we were woken up early by The Missus who wanted to review all her videos and of course, she managed to wake everyone else up in the house!
Being woken up in the middle of the night also means we over sleep our normal getting up time!
After the morning walk Old Two Legs has his breakfast before cleaning out the ferret cages and the ferrets rampage around the house.
Today, the cages got cleaned and in a very short time, Miss Wendy was asleep, wrapped up in a box of pinnies while Eric had put himself to bed, then he fell out when he stretched out and couldn't be bothered to get back in bed!
Nah! I'm OK, I'll get back to bed soon! |
Roll on Summer Time!
Looks like we're going to get wet soon! |
He never learns!
Yeah! Now that's a really good sniff! |
This running takes your breath away! |
Some things never change!
See you tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!