Sunday, 13 August 2017

Sunday as it should be!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a super day it's been. We have had sunshine almost all day today.

Last night Old Two Legs wanted to stay up and try some photographs of the meteors that were supposed to be flying in but when he looked there were clouds, high up, so no stars and no meteors either!

Still, this morning on the beach he got a shot of the moon, well the first is wot he took and the second is wot he produced on the computer!

Well, wot do you expect with just a 35mm lens?
 After a bit of playing about..........

Same picture, cropped, zoomed in and fiddly diddly on the computer!
We saw a couple of woofers walking along the Sea Wall but in the end they turned off the path and headed back to the car park!

Look! Woofers!
 Back home it was cage cleaning and then OTL took down the weather monitoring thingy from the roof. It has been giving some funny readings lately, like temperature out side being 90 degrees and humidity 100%!

He got it down, reset it all, cleaned out the rain gauge, re-booted the system and found out it didn't change much!

Me thinks the system is going into terminal's stuffed!

So maybe he will be looking at another system with a bit more life in it!

Lunchtime we were down the beach again, loads of tourists wandering about and the car park full. We normally park around the corner at lunchtimes but today we didn't take the ferrets 'cos it was too warm. They stayed snoozing while we went off sniffing!

Holly and Daisy sniffin' for rabbits!
 Holly has been looking for rabbits on our walks but lately they have been hiding, still, she is taking up 'Point' while I stay behind for a sniff!

They are here, I just know they are here!
 The Missus has been up the Village Hall with her  Master Class again and has been producing some 'Journal Pages' which look rather interesting!

OTL is off to the dentist tomorrow, seems they have invited him in for a 'Check-up', it goes like this.

'Open Wide..........Mmmmmmm! You need a filling or two, the inspection is an arm and a leg and the fillings will be another arm and a leg. Oh! and by the way, the injections will not work until you are out of the chair and half way home!'

Poor OTL, it is as expensive as a vet bill!

Mind you, we always have the opportunity of biting the vet!

Can you bite the dentist?

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.