Hi Woofers!
It's us, Daisy, Holly & Snowflake back on Fun Friday!
The Missus was up early, getting all the stuff ready for the Saturday Master Class, so that means everyone else has to be awake as well and that includes Snowflake as well!
We all tried to go back to sleep but TM still carried on marching up and down the stairs and opening draws and cupboards!
So, that means Snowflake gets her house cleaned early and we go for a walk early as well!
Mind you, Snowflake did say that if TM came into the office while she was having a ferret around, she would chase her all around the room and down stairs!
I'm coming for you! |
Down on The Sea Wall, the tide was out, so that means the Wormy Men should all be out there digging holes, but today, there was only one lonely looking Wormy Man digging for all he was worth!
The Lone Wormy Man |
Looking across to Sheerness was a sight, the sun had got up but not far enough to loose it's morning colours.
A sort of Changeable Weather Day today! |
We climbed up to the top of the hill and there, in the distance, standing there, giving us the 'Hairy Eyeball' was Barney. Now I'm not sure if he has had his eyes tested lately but he didn't recognise us, so we all stood there staring at each other!
Who's Dat? |
He would only walk towards us when his owner walked by his side, that was until Old Two Legs called out 'Baaarney' and that was it, down the path he came at the speed of light!
Hi Girlie's! |
Hey, says Barney, 'Look, I have just learnt how to Fly!'
Look, I'm Flying! |
Here I go 'cos I can do it this way as well!
Look, a Ninety Degree Turn! |
We left him to his new game and went off with OTL 'cos he was throwing the ball and we had our morning joke. That is where he shows me the ball and I woof at him to throw it!
Come on, Throw IT! |
Back home we had Doggy Scoff but this was a new one that OTL had got from the Doggy Shop, it was Duck & Chicken and didn't taste too bad, so we had some before we got our morning brush!
Lunch time we went off to the New Park again and had a great time. We were woofin and sniffin all the way around the park.
A Crafty Sniff! |
In the end we had almost run our legs off and I was feeling a little tired. Holly was feeling it also and although she hadn't done as much running as me, she still was feeling worn out!
OK, lets go home now! |
As we got closer to the car, Holly looked at OTL and asked.......
......are we there yet? |
Back home to finish off the Doggy Scoff and have a snooze before our evening snooze!
See you tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly & Snowflake