Tuesday 26 January 2021

Where has all the snow gone?

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

You know we woke up yesterday morning, looking forward to a romp in the snow and guess what?

It was gone!

Well, that was it, Holly showed off all day, Eric kept asking where the snow had gone and Old Two Legs was busy 'manufacturing' until late and forgot to turn on the computer for me!

Today we looked out of the window and guess what?

No snow, just frost!

There was a super sunrise this morning but unfortunately, we had gone out for our walk and was home before the sun got up!

Maybe tomorrow we will catch it again!

Old Two Legs is still being busy so we went out with The Missus and I must admit, it was a gentle walk along the sea wall, after passing the Two Trees.

There you go, Two Trees, a bench and a Poo Bin!

 After the trees it was a stroll down to the sea wall, after six wee's along the weeing path!

Another wee!

 You know, it wasn't too bad and we quite enjoyed the stroll.

  It's nice to have a wee without being watched!


 We looked close to the branches and saw the beginning of the leaves in the buds.

 Back home we found Eric was still out rampaging and watched him as he tried to open the Chicken Strip bag!

 Now, if I can get my claw in there, I reckon I could open the bag!

 Holly spotted him first and after a quick woof Eric decided that he didn't want a nibble!

See you tomorrow,


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.