Hello Woofers!
Daisy and Eric de Ferret here.
You know it's going to take some time to get used to saying Daisy and Eric without wanting to put in Holly and Miss Wendy.
Miss Wendy is buried in the bug urn in the garden.
Now as sad as it was yesterday, Miss Wendy passed away very gently, which is the best way to go, no pain just a big breath and off you go!
Now yesterday morning we had a chance to see just what the sun and a few clouds could do if it all comes together, how about this one?
The Watchers on the Hill!
If you time it right you can get the same Two Legs walking their Woofers and the only thing that changes is the sky!
Turn slightly left and this is what you get!
Now, fast forward 24 hours and you get the Watcher on the hill all on his own 'cos the sun is still in bed and the clouds and mist just won't play games this morning!
Wot? No Sun!
Good news, OTL has got the new computer and is trying to get it all set up. You know, he has more bits of cable around the back of the computer than a plate of spaghetti!
I can see him getting in a state tomorrow trying to untangle it all and trying to remember where all the plugs go!
See you all tomorrow.
Daisy and Eric de Ferret.