Tuesday 24 May 2022

A Tale of a Handkerchief

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

Last night Old Two Legs was up late doing his 'Engineering' so that he could get it all shipped today. Needless to say, this morning he was up late!

We went up to the sea wall and OTL thought that as the tide was in, I might make a dash for the water and have a paddle. Unfortunately, my tummy was still gurgling away and I didn't fancy a swim, maybe tomorrow but not today!

Looking across the estuary the clouds looked a little dramatic and he couldn't resist taking a shot!

 The weather forecast says there is some rain due later today.

We met up with Max and Oscar, trying to get used to getting out of the car a hundred yards before they would have normally!

I know the feeling!

I still can't be bothered to walk all the way around to the other car park and would rather OTL go and get the car instead of making me walk all that way!

No, it's OK, I'll just wait for you to bring the car!

Half way through the morning I felt the Grumbles in my tummy and got OTL to take me for a stroll across the football field and down past the old golf course where we bumped into the gang of woofers I normally woof at when they pass the front of my house.

I feel safe with them out the front and me up in the bedroom!

I didn't feel so safe right up close!

Later on, I got into the big car while OTL was loading it up with stuff for the carriers, sneaky or wot?

Instead of going home, we went down to the sea wall for a stroll.


 I might get a dip if I'm lucky!

 I managed to have a poo and I felt good afterwards! Mind you, there was a problem, you see OTL keeps all the poo bags in his jacket pocket and he didn't have his jacket with him, so, being a good Two Legs, he collected the poo in his handkerchief!

Wot a good TL he is!

The afternoon was spent snoozing under the desk while OTL completed all the paperwork for the stuff we dispatched today.

As I'm feeling better, there is a good chance I'll be in for a swim tomorrow!

Bye for now.

