Friday, 30 May 2014


Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles back again, South of The Boarder and just a little tired!

Last night we finished off a bottle of Bolly together with a Chinese Takeaway from the local 'Take Away' restaurant.

Holly and I especially enjoyed the 'King Prawns in Batter'! You know I reckon we could live on them!

Today it has been a bit boring driving down the motorways, so Holly and I played a game of 'Wee or Poo'!

What we would do was suddenly sit up and woof or whine so that Old Two Legs would pull up at the next service stop and we would keep on hanging on until we got near to the car again and then, and only then, we would both do our business at the same time and the trick would be to do the same as the other!

Some times we were both giggling so much that we didn't do anything and had to get OTL to stop a bit further down the motorway so we could try again!

It was good to get the sniff of home as we pulled into the village and even the ferrets were going potty in the office, checking out all the sniffs!

So, now we are all in need of an early night, so, bye bye for now and we'll see you again tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.


OTL has started on the Shortbread already!