Tuesday, 16 November 2021

A Short Run Today!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a super day for walking, only if it's not too long a distance!

We were out this morning doing the short run along the sea front and met up with some woofers who I decided to keep well away from. Old Two Legs on the other paws just loved the attention from a couple of big bouncy Golden Retrievers who just fell in love with OTL!


The sea was like a mill pond, not a breeze blowing anywhere!

The sea was like a mill pond, not a breeze blowing anywhere! Even the ships seemed to be standing still!

We couldn't hang about too long 'cos OTL had go shopping and then get some fuel 'cos the 'Reserve' was flashing with a vengeance!

Back home OTL was playing about with the laptop trying to get the programming to look like it will work!

Tomorrow will be the crunch time when he gets to test the gismo for real, at the customers place, claws crossed!

You know he was so busy that I had to tell him it was walkies time!

That's the trouble with OTL, he gets so involved in what he is doing that hi forgets to look at the clock!

When we got out again it was still as a mill pond on the river, rather boring really!

The trees are still looking colourful as the leaves get ready to drop-in time for winter.

Now, does that look good or wot?

I can see that tomorrow OTL will be off early so the walk will be early as well, let's hope that he gets back in time to take me out at lunchtime, if not, then he is in trouble, I mean, Deep Poo!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.