Hello Everyone!
Poor old Holly, I hear she got very upset and had a bad couple of nights. Maybe next year she should come over to us for the night and we can cuddle up together.
OTL says it's Bonfire night, some sort of Autumn rite to scare off winter, bet it doesn't work, these Two Legs can't get anything right, they just make a lot of noise and scare us animals as well!
You know, I thought that I was just writing this diary for just a few people who 'follow' me but OTL says that there are others who read this but don't 'sign in', then he told me of a few he knew, so, HELLO AGGIS, HELLO MAJOR......HELLO JAQUI & STEVE................HELLO SHEILA!
This is me waving to you!
Looking at the results last night it was more of 'Come on let's go home it's Wet'!