Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Autumn is a coming!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy back again.

So, there I was, giving Old Two Legs a cuddle and a very wet ear and looking at the clock. You know, it was just half five and the world was still dark outside the window!

What a wonderful day I thought, just right for a gallop around the sea front.

I kicked OTL out of bed and in no time we were down the football field and OTL was wondering where the night had gone 'cos instead of a sun rise, all he could see was a Moon Set!

OK, it's a bit shaky but we didn't have the anti vibration thingy on this lens and anyway, the moon is 238 855 miles away from us!

Unlike the sun wot is 93 million miles away, but on our world it is just over the horizon!

Did you know it takes 8 and 1/3 minutes for the light of the sun to get to earth, so this sunrise in fact happened 8 and 1/3 minutes ago!

One thing we have noticed is that Autumn is getting closer, the trees are all going that golden brown and the mornings are getting colder.

There are more leaves on the ground than normal.

This is the other side of the Two Trees!

This is where we stop for a rest after climbing down the hill!

I like this, no matter if it's sunny, Winter Spring the picture is always balanced, even with or without the leaves on the tree!

We had the Dishwasher Man call and after a couple of whacks with his trusty hammer the machine was up and working again.

That means OTL doesn't have to do the washing up any more, unless the machine goes wobbly again!

That's it for today!

See you tomorrow.

