Sunday 30 January 2022


 Hi Woofers!

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here.

What a day, first off it was all frost and by lunchtime it was almost warm and balmy!

Being Sunday that means we get an extra half an hour in bed and that also means that the sunrise has risen and was heading towards Sunset!

Looks more like a rocket taking off!

Eric has been having fun, he started off wanting to get out of his cage for a run around, then he fell asleep in the bedroom while I went out for a walk and just as we were going out at lunchtime, he was banging on the cage door to come out again.

By the time we got back from the walk he was fast asleep on the carpet in The Missus store room!

That's how his day has gone!

This afternoon we sat back and watched a DVD and I must admit, I fell asleep having a cuddle on OTL's lap!

I've just remembered that tomorrow is Monday and the only day where there is nothing planned. Not like the rest of the week, dentist then car menders then visit to a couple of customers.

It's all go you know!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.