Wednesday, 3 March 2021

He Left Us Again!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a horrid day today.

It started this morning when we were walking around the old golf course in the morning fog that lasted all day. There we were being good little woofers when we came across some hard baked fox poo that had matured to perfection.

Holly and I had a poo each but when we started to go for the 'Woofer Roll' Old Two Legs started jumping up and down and shouted at us call us Smelly Mutts!

That is just not on!

Back home OTL was dashing around like a Greyhound on Speed! The cages were cleared and the caravan got a quick clean, most strange.

Then you know what happened?

He hitched up the caravan and drove off up the road, on his own, without us!

Seems that the van needs some remedial work on the floor pan where the water had got in and caused some delamination to the plywood floor.

He was gone for hours and hours!

When he did get back, he said 'Hello' and headed off to the office to do his 'Month End' paperwork and other boring stuff.

I mean, wot a terrible thing to do to a pair of woofers!

See you tomorrow,


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.