Wednesday, 2 September 2020

I'm a Soggy Doggy again!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Hi again! We are back with you again! Just for a change, Old Two Legs took us over the old golf course this morning. We left Wendy and Eric in bed snoozing their tails off!

While we were on the golf course we met up with a couple of woofers we had seen but not been introduced to. One was a Schnauzer crossed with something spaniel who insisted on dong some sniffing! The other was an old hairy poodle based hound of unknown parentage who let OTL stroke him behind his ears but every time OTL stopped, the hound smacked OTL's leg with his paw to let OTL know he wanted more tickles! 

OTL is still after the Common Newt but it seems that the Common Newt is becoming as rare as rocking horse poo!

He did find another one of those hoppy things but it didn't hang about too long!

Not the most exciting insect to be seen!

 This one is the Red Admiral who was all camera shy!

There seems to be a lack of Hawker Dragonflies so we have to put up with Darters!

Now I had some fun, you see, while OTL was snapping away at insecty things I saw a chance to get down to the sea front, I was off like a shot! I was in the water, splashing about while OTL was up on the hillside wondering where the devil I had got to!

It's OK going in for a splash but having to ride home on the car sitting on a wet and soggy damp patch is not the most comfortable thing a woofer can do!

Holly and I were going to get a hair cut today but after lunch OTL fell asleep and forgot all about hair cuts. The only problem is, it looks like we will have to do it tomorrow!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.