Tuesday, 21 January 2020

OTL is now doing Modeling!

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret,

Well, after yesterdays fun and games we got an extra quarter of an hour in bed this morning!

Actually, Old Two Legs got a quarter of an hour while I got an extra half an hour!

Spring is definitely on it's way, the mornings are getting lighter and the sun is getting up a bit earlier every day!

Take this morning, there it is, the pre glow getting up and pointing out the interesting bits, Tree, Bench, Tree and Poo Bin!
T, B, T & PB!  All the best places!
Around the corner we couldn't see the sun yet but the colours in the sky were just great and the moon even took a quick look at us!
Moon above Sheerness!
 Going around the corner towards the forest we saw the grass covered in frost. It looked quite pretty with the morning colours spreading across the field!
Your white bits look all pinky!
 OTL spend most of the morning working on a quotation full of fiddly bits and funny names, lets face it, how many people know what a Duplexer is without looking it up on Goggle!

This afternoon, not far from the Poo Bin we found another Grain Rock! Not one of Rosie's but it looked just as good!
Right Posh looking!
 After getting back we headed for the food bowls and then off for a snooze in the office.

That's when we saw it.

OTL messing about with the camera and delay Shutter and Flash!

One of his customers wanted to see wot something looked like, so, OTL, being all showy off got The Missus to take a picture of him posing by the office door!

Maybe he should have worn his bobble hat!
Well, when we saw him doing his model bit we all had a good laugh, even the ferrets were rolling around on their backs laughing their paws off!

Eric says we should call him Twiggy!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.