Saturday 13 January 2024

Pond Sprinkles!

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here.

Another one of those chilly days when the best place to be is wrapped up in some warm blankets and either curled up in my nice warm wooly basket or leaning up against The Missus on the sofa.

Old Two Legs is feeling better but he is still a bit wobbly but with a bit of luck he will be in a better shape to take me out tomorrow, claws crossed!

The warmest place in the house!

OTL said that he wishes he could get in with me but only if he brings a hot water bottle with him!

TM has done a few mor cards and will be up loading them this evening, acutely they are not too bad!

The garden pond has been free of ice and the birdies have been drinking and bathing but I miss the splashing of the fountain. As it is battery powered the cold weather tends to drain the power out of it and the power doesn't last more than a day.

Roll one the warmer weather and we can get some more life out of it!

See you tomorrow.

