Saturday 11 February 2023

Honky Pond!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

I'm not sure about you but it's been a fun Saturday here in North Kent.

It started off with us missing the sunrise and only catching the last of the morning glow.

In fact, the sun had got up and then ran off to hide in the clouds!

It was about ten minutes later that the sun was climbing over the second bank of cloud!

 It was after this that the sky was lit up and photography was a bit of a loss!

Being a Saturday means The Missus is off to the village hall for communal glue slapping so Old Two Legs and I started work on the garden pond.

Actually, it was OTL in the garden while I watched him working!

Our garden pond has been around for some time and suffers from being a sort of rubbish bin for the leaves from the tree.

After these many years the leaves have fallen into the pond, rotted down and formed a thick layer. The plants we have in there, Lilly and Reeds, have grown a root ball that is a good metre diameter.

Finally, after these many years, OTL has started to remove this root clump.

Now, it's OK to take this root clump out but it is heavy and smelly, I mean, it HONKS! It took a good ten minutes to haul the root clump out and onto the patio where, with the use of a garden spade to chop it up, he finally reduced it into lumps that were small enough to load into the compost bin for the dustbin men to take away!

Now, all this slopping about means that the root ball splashed all this honky rotten water all over OTL, so, not only does the roots honk but OTL also honks!

I think that next week we will have another go, once the water has settled down.

Such fun!

Bye for now.

