Friday, 10 April 2015

Where have all the Tadpoles gone, long time passing?

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles!

I think the weather is improving down here is North Kent, when went out this morning we could see the Grain Tower!

We haven't seen that for a while!
Both ferrets had a game in the sea weed again and I had a roll in something smelly, but Old Two Legs didn't see me!

Oops! That was a close thing!"
Miss Snowflake tried to get a lift in the Ferret Bag but OTL told her she needs exercise!

I've had a little run, can I get back in now?
 When OTL wouldn't let back in she chased after Brambles, jumped on top of him and gave him a severe tickling!

No! Don't! It Tickles!
Back home Holly was investigating the pond, looking for Tadpoles, but there was nothing to see.

She reckons that they were either right down the bottom of the pond, hiding in the weeds, or, they have all packed their bags and were heading back home to their original pond!

OTL says they are more than likely at the bottom of the pond, hiding and pretty soon we will see tiddly little frogs hopping about all over the place and if we are quick, we could catch a couple for Archie Babe to take home with him the next time he visits!

Now, that'll be fun!

Lunchtime we were out delivering and then stopped off at The Riverside Park.

Loads and Loads of Mini Two Legs, everywhere, making so much noise that we decided to go along the shore rather than on the path we normally take.

We quite enjoyed it 'cos we were finding some new sniffs we hadn't come across before!

New Sniffs!
 Once we had got to the end of 'Horrid Hill' we headed back on the old path that had almost become overgrown with thorn bushes.

There was nothing really new 'cos there were loads of Mini Two Legs playing there, messing up the sniffs!

Old Sniffs
 We went around the edge and came across some fishy sniffs that OTL said were Sea Gull droppings and sea gulls often enjoyed fish meals!

Fishy Sniffs!
The best sniff was when we were getting close to the car park 'cos there, sitting on the edge of the grass, chomping away as bold as brass, sat a Bunny!

Unfortunately, OTL had put us on our lead and we couldn't rush over and 'Say Hello'!

Bunny Sniff!
 Back home there was some lambs heart cooking and both Holly and I just can't wait 'cos OTL has some tasty stuff lined up for his dinner and we didn't want the two to clash!

So, off we go and see you all tomorrow!

The Missus is off to her Master Class and OTL and us will be having fun!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.