Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here!
Well, Old Two Legs has blown out again on the puffins! So, we had him all day today, being lazy!
First he let The Missus take us out for our morning walk but she refused to take the ferrets a s well!
So, when OTL finally got up, he took us all, TM included, down to the beach again!
We met up with a Shetland Sheepdog who was a bit loud to begin with but after saying 'Hello' to OTL, calmed down a bit!
I'm a Big Bad Shettie with a Big Woof! |
Hello OTL! |
She is a bit like holly, she just doesn't like getting her boots wet!
TM type Paddle! |
Whataboutagameofchasethen? |
Might do! |
Get Her! |
Gerroffamahole! |
Too Rough for Me! |
That was a bit too much for TM who decided she wanted to go to a local Craft Shop but after waking OTL up and getting us all in the car, we found that the shop had closed!
That didn't matter!
TM found another one a few miles away and she was in need of buying some stuff, so off we went again!
On the way back we stopped at the local Chinese Takeaway and took away a load of Plawn Clackers and King Plawns and Chicken Sooey.
We made a right little pigs of ourselves when we got back!
Now we are in need of a good snooze before going to bed!
See you all tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.