Sunday, 31 August 2014

A Super Sunday.

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here!

We love Sundays, Old Two Legs doesn't turn on the 'Work Computer' and we more attention!

Mine you, we still have to compete with the ferrets for his attention but in the end we all get a share of OTL!

First of all he has to get the ferret cage sorted out and food bowl re-filled! Much to Mr Brambles delight, he is always first into the food bowl!

Miss Snowflake gets fed a bit later and occupies her time rampaging around the bedroom and The Missus's Store Room!

We head off for our morning walk and both ferrets go into 'Snooze Mode' in the travelling cage and are still a bit dopey when OTL puts them in the ferret bag! We get down to the beach and have a run around. If the ferrets haven't got out of the bag for a wee before hand, they get out of the bag, with a bit of help from OTL, and wander around for a wee.

Then, Miss Snowflake tries to get back into the bag again!

Come on, let me back, just for a couple of minutes!
Back home we all have a game of 'Chase The Woofer', well the ferrets do! Holly and I have a trick or two ourselves, Holly stays down stairs on the sofa while I get up onto the bed and watch the ferrets trying to climb up the bed side!

Pretty soon they head off to their cage for a snooze that lasts all day, except for a wee or a poo during the day!

Lunchtime we head off to have our walk and just for fun, we try a bit of Rabbit Hunting!

We're looking for Rabbits!
 Because it is Sunday, there are loads of Two Legs wandering about, so, the rabbits stay hidden in their holes and spend the day snoozing!

Today I spotted OTL putting the Red Bone in his pocket, Great, that means I can go swimming and play at Fetch The Bone!

Today, when we get down there, the tide is still well out and it would be another hour before it arrives at the shore!

Now this was not fair, I was so looking forward to a swim. You know, I rushed up and down the beach calling the water to Hurry Up but it didn't rush in any faster!

Then I had an idea, how about I go for a splash about in the mud!

I ran the idea past OTL who didn't think much of it and promised that if I got muddy, it would be the Hose Pipe for me!

Aw come on OTL, just a little paddle in the mud?
Well, needless to say, I didn't get into the mud but instead headed for home where I know a big bowl of chicken is waiting for me!

Tomorrow we have a number of workmen arriving to give OTL and 'Estimate' for repairing the hole in the ceiling and also install another heating system!

We're going to be warm this winter!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.